As a young teenager in 2003 I always knew I was as musical as all my siblings were, yet I was scared to learn guitar. I thought it would lead me into a world of music that would distract me from the Torah path. Little did I know the power of music. I had a very close friend, MC (Moshe Chaim Engelard) who played guitar really well and I would go to his house very often and watch him play.
Years later, without the music distraction, nonetheless, I somehow found myself veering from the Torah path. Thankfully my older brother Lazer noticed this and introduced me to the music of Shivi Keller. When I heard Shivi’s album Ein Od Milvado ( I knew I needed to learn guitar just to play his songs. I felt it leading me on a safe, comforting journey. Once I finally found myself with a guitar as my tool to stay on the Torah path, I was excited to get to Jam with my teenage friend MC.
I believe it was 2010 he was newly married, and I came by his apartment in the Ezrat Torah neighborhood of Jerusalem on a Motzei Shabbos for a Melave Malka.
We began playing, and as a fresh artist I was excited to sing about Eliyahu Hanavi.
I remember thinking about the three ways we refer to him: Hanavi, Hatishbi & Hagiladi, and how prestigious these words and rhymes were. I began composing a soft declaration of his Status within these three names he is referred to.
I then realized the prayer in the next words: B’mheira Yavo Eileinu, Im Moshiach Ben Dovid, so I composed the next section with a bit more of a plea for the redemption and then it just all came together. I started to feel Moshiach getting closer as the 3rd section, the wordless niggun brought it all together. It was a beautiful experience and I thank MC and his wife for inspiring me, and creating such a space to bring down this song.
A short while later, Yaakov Lepon of King David Studios began his Wednesday night musical experiences by Kever Dovid and invited me to come play. I will never forget that night. My good friend Avishai Freedman came with me and we performed a few of my original songs that night, but Eliyahu Hanavi was definitely the highlight. It was about 3 years later that I was Zocheh to get hold of the video footage.
After I moved to Los Angeles in 2014, I met Menachem Weinstein, who at the time was working at JETS and I loved his creativity. He encouraged me to release some music. Three years later, when he was no longer living in LA, he came back to visit and we finally decided to do a music video. By then, his company, Munch Media ( was already a growing name in the Jewish music industry, so I grabbed the opportunity to work with Menachem. Of course we decided to film in my favorite park, Franklin Canyon where I frequented for Hisbodedus.
I remember getting together with Ami Kozak of Distant Cousins in his home studio and deciding on a song. Being that sefira was approaching, we went Acapella and with his direction, we had this track a day or two later.
Menachem helped compose a beautiful story line about a fellow who lost his job and although he was down, he still went to the woods to speak with HaShem. A wealthy business man was taking a hike, took interest in him, and offered him a much greater job. All in one day. Eliyahu Hanavi will come just like that in the immediate future. Each of us can also be the “Eliyahu Hanavi” (redeemer) when we see someone in need. Just notice those around you. Lastly, notice the “Eliyahu Hanavis” in your life.
Although it isn’t the largest production, this is my most popular composition.